“if we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity,


“if we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” – anne bradstreet

once again, we’ve been played by mother nature. it is officially spring. easter is THIS sunday, and yet winter has continued to stick around. i don’t mind another snow day, but i would much rather have a nice warm day at work to play outside! anyone else out there with me?

 i do love that quote, though. it’s so true. without hard times, you wouldn’t appreciate the good times as much. i have always been the type of person who appreciates something so much more if i work hard for it instead of just having it handed to me. s0 i know that once we do finally get to spring i will be thankful (allergies and all). i will appreciate it that much more and try to soak in all the warmth and sunshine as much as i can. for now, i’ll be waiting patiently for that glorious day! 😉

so… in honor of spring and WANTING to see beautiful flowers and warm colors, here are some pretty tulips to brighten up your day (thanks to justin for the muse).

hopefully you’re enjoying a snow day (if you’re around the VA area). i know i will! my idea of a fun snow day is a yummy breakfast, movie marathons, and relaxation. justin (who got snowed in with us) has a different idea. he and tuck are outside making a snowman!!! haha. they’re just big ol’ kids! can’t wait to see what it looks like, though. i think i’ll be up to venturing outside for a peek at it! 😉

happy snow day!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

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