You guys! It’s almost here! Ah!!! Is this really happening?! We’re down to 42 days away! 42 DAYS!!!! Ahhh!!! Pinch me! Everything is rushing by so fast! Can time stand still for a second so I can fully absorb these moments?
These final weeks leading up to the wedding will be filled with tying up loose ends, finalizing vendor details, and getting everything together. Ahh!!! One thing on our ever-growing to-do list writing our vows! We decided (and by we, I mean, I asked Justin if we could pretty please do it;) to write our own vows! I’m really excited about it because I know it will make our day even more special by adding that extra personal element.
Unfortunately, I’m just a little stuck. Where do I even begin? Is there a template for writing wedding vows?! haha.
For those of you who wrote your own vows, where did you start? I have some ideas of what I want to say, but is there a right way to write your vows?
Help a sister out here! 🙂
How did you write our your vows to your future spouse?
Thanks for any help! 🙂