on this day, 20 years ago, i had a rude interruption to my perfect-only-child life. a little ball of a

on this day, 20 years ago, i had a rude interruption to my perfect-only-child life. a little ball of a disgruntled baby was now a part of the family. whoa whoa whoa! who gave her permission to intrude on my life? who said i wanted to share? well, like it or not, i got a baby sister.

i remember the day you were born (vaguely). at the time, i didn’t know that you were born early or that there were complications. all i remembered was getting to wear cool scrubs and feeling like a doctor. people said you cried a lot during that stage of your life, thankfully, i don’t remember that part haha. we always had a healthy rivalry. most of the time we didn’t like each other. i felt like we were barely sisters at times, not to mention friends. thankfully, we FINALLY outgrew that stage in our life. i am so glad that we are friends. i spent so much of my life fearing that we would never get out of that “rivalry” stage. i love being able to talk to you now, like a friend. that’s the way it’s supposed to be. YAY!

here’s to a fresh start. i know we haven’t always gotten along, but i’m glad to begin a new chapter with you. i love our encouragement to one another about our dreams. i’m thankful that you help me at my weddings and photo sessions. you have such drive and focus. i know you will achieve anything you want to in life. when you set your mind to something that you want, you go for it and get it. you rock. i can only hope that i can be half as driven as you. i love you so much and i really wish you didn’t have to go back to school in a few weeks.

i look up to you so much and am so proud and thankful to call you my sister and friend. i love you min!!! you so sweet and purddyy!!! happy 20th birthday amanda the panda!

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