Last week, I sent my camera equipment off to be cleaned and to have routine maintenance performed on everything. GAH!
virginia wedding photographer

Last week, I sent my camera equipment off to be cleaned and to have routine maintenance performed on everything. GAH! I feel like I’m missing a piece of me. I’ll be doing something and think, “Oh, lemme go grab my camera to get a shot of this real quick… just kidding!” It’s such a reflex to want to take a picture and so weird to realize I can’t. 

I know it’s such a #firstworldproblem, but it’s really made me realize how much I take my camera for granted. Normally, I will leave my camera in it’s place and talk myself out of using it because it’s too much effort and I can just take a shot with my phone (lazy much?). Now that I am in a position where I physically cannot use my camera, it’s made me not want to take my camera for granted anymore. I know this all sounds less than trivial, but I’ve realized that I need to appreciate my camera more than I do! I’ve been so bad about not using it to capture every-day life and more personal moments, but now that I don’t have that option at the moment, I’ve really been craving to take pictures of EVERYTHING! And phone pictures just don’t do Scout justice! hahaha. 😉

Let me tell you! When the FedEx person rings my doorbell, they may or may not be greeted with a lot of squealing! haha. 

Anywhooo… that’s what’s going on over here, besides Nick being the worst bachelor ever, the daylight savings time hangover, and this full moon! Yupp! That’s about it!

Thus ends my random post, but definitely not as random as my Instagram stories! 😉 

Happy Tuesday, friends! 

virginia wedding photographer

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