ahhhhh!!! this week has been a dream come true! it has been FILLED with photography. for the past couple of

ahhhhh!!! this week has been a dream come true! it has been FILLED with photography. for the past couple of days, I have gotten to take school pictures for my preschool babies! it has been a blast! i love seeing their big smiles and making them giggle. their expressions are priceless and i can’t wait to show you all more of the pictures!

i’ve also had two family sessions and a wedding! is this real life?! i am so blessed and so happy that this is what my week has consisted of. needless to say, you guys are going to have a LOT of picture posts coming your way. get excited!

i apologize for this not being the usual “thursday thirteen” post. i have a good one planned, i just need time to sit down and do it. hopefully next week. 😉 speaking of next week, i can’t believe that july is almost here. how are we halfway through the summer? i still haven’t even gotten a nice tan haha. that needs to change. when i’m at work, it’s usually miserable in the sun so i hide away in the shade like a vampire. i guess my future self will be thankful for fewer wrinkles to worry about haha.

sorry this is such a quick post. i was finishing up my fruity pebbles after my morning work out with my sister, alexi. healthy, right? 😉 gotta get a quick shower and jet off to work. today’s the last day of school pictures. i working with the 2s today. hopefully i can show ya a quick peek later this evening.

here’s a quick peek of the sweet family from yesterday! i love them!

happy thursday, y’all! 🙂

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