because summer is slower time during the school year, we don’t have as many kids at work. this is both

because summer is slower time during the school year, we don’t have as many kids at work. this is both a blessing and a curse haha. it’s nice because i have today off. it’s not nice because i really need the hours to pay bills haha. i am trusting in God and know that He’ll take are of me and help me with find a way to provide! it’ll be okay! the upside to being off more hours than normal, is that i have more time to focus and my business AND i get to hang out with my sweet friend carly who is passing through town today (BONUS!).

these days off have me eagerly awaiting the time i can have this DREAM become full time and make a living off of that! one day… 🙂

until that day comes, i’m going to keep working my booty off. God has perfect timing and everything will work out the best in the end. i just have to trust that! 🙂

okay. that’s as deep as i’m going today! haha. i’ll spare y’all! i can’t wait to hang out with my carlita (carly) haha. she’s one of my best friends and my soul sista! haha. i’m so thankful for her friendship and i’m so happy we get to hang out today!!! God works in crazy ways! normally i have work, and any other time should would have asked to hang out i wouldn’t have been able to because of work. but it all worked out because God is cool like that! 🙂

so i’m off to have a girls’ day with my sweet friend! i was hoping we’d see some sun so i can tan these transparent legs of mine, but these clouds have other things in mind haha. we’ll still find some mischief to make! don’t you worry! 😉

happy thursday!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂


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