oh hey! a cheesy and cliche holiday post is comin’ your way! 😉 don’t worry! it won’t be super long.

oh hey! a cheesy and cliche holiday post is comin’ your way! 😉 don’t worry! it won’t be super long. and who knows… it might stir up something in you to do the same thing! 🙂

i just wanted to take a second to really appreciate everything i have. okay, i should probably take more than a second AND should definitely do this more often!

there are so many wonderful people in my life and so many great things, that even if i’m having a bad day, it shouldn’t shake me. i feel like anyone can take this mentality. no matter what we’re going through, we still have so much to be thankful for.

i’m gonna share one thing that i am thankful for this morning: a  warm shower to start off my day! 

there. that was easy. okay. i want you to do the same thing!

comment in the space below and be entered to win a starbucks’ gift card!

share this post with friends and have them do the same!

p.s. we’ve almost made it to friday, friends! you can do it! 🙂

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  • I am thankful for the creative insight that God has blessed me with. As I have always said, it takes a special kind of person with a special heart to be an artist 🙂

  • I’m extremely thankful, and forever grateful, for my God’s forgiveness.

  • I am thankful most of all to the Lord and for my family hither and yon over the globe.

  • I am very thankful for God giving me the opportunity to see another Thanksgiving. I am thankful for my family, friends, accomplishments, and failures.

  • Today, I’m extremely thankful for my family. Just recently, I watched a student go through the tragedy of losing a parent at an early age and how difficult it is to continue to live life when it’s interrupted by death. So… I’m actually going to go home for thanksgiving (something that we don’t usually do anymore) and spend time with my family because… life is short. I don’t want to waste it. I’m thankful for it, and that I have a family in this season right now.

  • I’m thankful for all the amazing family and friends that God has placed in my life.

  • I am thankful for my sweet baby girl! She is healthy and happy and such a blessing to our family. Could not be more thankful for what God has given me this year!

  • My life, my health, Corey Shayne.. Literally everything. I just had a really rough day and needed to see this. No matter how rough the day is.. I still have the best life. I feel too lucky!

  • I’m thankful to be able to make a difference to the next generation through teaching.

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