oh hey! this post is coming to you straight from GEORGIA! yup! i made it here safe and sound yesterday

oh hey! this post is coming to you straight from GEORGIA! yup! i made it here safe and sound yesterday and have been able to enjoy some time with my best friend from high school, anna!

the drive wasn’t too bad, especially since i broke it up into two days. saturday, i made the very wise decision to babysit from 7am-3pm before i left for north carolina. i may have driven a little faster than i should have to arrive at nc in time for my nana’s 90th BIRTHDAY PARTY! yupp! that sassy little lady is on her 9th decade. we celebrated with coconut cake and 90 candles haha. just kidding about the last part! 😉 it was so nice to be able to spend time with family! i’m glad i decided to drive down this year because i’ll be able to see them again on my way back home!

now i’m just chillin’ with anna before i trek off to the pursuit 31 conference! it’s about an hour and a half outside of atlanta, so definitely not that bad of a drive! registration starts at 3 and i’ll get to meet my roommate, morgan! yay! we’ve been talking for months through fb and texting. it’ll be so nice to finally meet in person!

i must be honest here for a second. these type of things always make me completely apprehensive haha. as much as a love people and meeting new friends, i can be terribly shy! honest! when i was a teenager, i was painfully shy! i couldn’t even order my food at a restaurant without my face turning 50 shades of red and having to rehearse it to myself over and over. i’ve come a long way since those days haha, but still get nervous in new situations! there are so many phenomenal women who will be there! i hope i can open up and let them get to know me without me being too quiet!

welp, i hope you all have a fantastic monday!

here’s a quick picture i grabbed of anna and her sweet husband! love these two and i’m so thankful they’re letting me stay with them! love you guys!

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