so this post is two weekends combined, but that’s okay, right? good! 😉 i feel like a lifetime has happened

so this post is two weekends combined, but that’s okay, right? good! 😉

i feel like a lifetime has happened between last weekend and yesterday. i’ve traveled across multiple states, spent time with different friends and family, and experienced so much within that week! i got to celebrate my nana turning 90, went to monkey joe’s for the first time, visited my bff from high school, and went to an awesome conference (which i will definitely share more about later!).

i’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time off and will be so ecstatic when i can be full time! that day will come, though. patience until then! 😉

i spent some much-needed time with anna and her husband adam! we got to catch up, watch movies, and just enjoy each others’ company! oh, and i got to sleep in. A LOT!!! it was much appreciated haha. i forgot how nice it was to get 8 hours of sleep and actually feel refreshed haha. i need to do it more often!

it’s really funny, actually, that i get to visit anna in atlanta. back when she just graduated high school, we took a trip there with her mom to do some sightseeing before i had to fly back home. we went to the world of coke, stone mountain, and other touristy places. it’s so crazy to look back on that and have no idea she’d actually have a life here and a home. so crazy! we even went back to stone mountain and visited again. which, by the way, was a lot harder to climb than i remember haha. oh how i wish i was in the shape i was in back in college. take me back! haha. so cool to see where life takes us!

welp, i hope you all haven’t missed me too much! be prepared for lots of fun posts ahead! can’t wait to share about my adventures and my ideas!

i hope y’all had a happy weekend! let’s conquer this week! 🙂

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