Looking back at April’s goals, does not feel like it was just last month. So much happened in that 30-day

Celebrations at the Reservoir Wedding Photographer

Looking back at April’s goals, does not feel like it was just last month. So much happened in that 30-day timeframe. I turned another year older, my sister came home from the Middle East, and I kicked off the start of my wedding season with Kim and Nick’s romantic and rainy wedding! I even cleaned my room and my car. 😉

I know we’re already halfway through the month, but I can still share my goals, right?! 😉

Here they are:

– Get outside more and enjoy the warm weather! 🙂

– Book 1-3 more weddings for 2015 and start booking weddings for 2016

– Photograph my weddings for this month well! Be creative and try new things, but most importantly, serve my couples well. 🙂

– See Pitch Perfect 2

– Try and get back to jogging again. I was doing it every day (only for a week haha), but I eventually built up to going 1 mile without stopping. BIG deal for me! 🙂

– Keep working on my fun surprise for my 2013 and 2014 couples! Don’t worry 2015 couples; you’ll get your turn next year. 🙂

– Refine my brand.

– Keep working on my big announcement! So excited to share it with y’all!

– Do a good job second shooting with my wonderful friends!

What are your goals for the month? 

We’ve almost made it to Friday!!!

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