i’ve been meaning to write this post for a while now. just something to express my gratitude to this guy.

i’ve been meaning to write this post for a while now. just something to express my gratitude to this guy. he comes along with me to a lot of engagement sessions. he spends many late nights driving me back home when we both have early mornings the next day. he (most of the time:) patiently waits for me to an edit a session before we get to hang out. he also listens to me when i’m upset and encourages me to keep pushing on.

i know i don’t tell him enough.

so i just wanted to shout it from the blogworld and say, “thank you!”

i appreciate you so much, justin! thanks for all you do!

p.s. justin is in watermelon heaven in this photo. he loves it so much and that’s why i love this picture because it’s 100% him! 🙂

V.A. Photography personal_0900

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One Comment

  • Haha that picture is quite funny and that’s so cute you made the post for him! It’s always great to have a great support system 🙂

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