so i kinda slacked and didn’t get a chance to work on what i originally wanted to do for my

so i kinda slacked and didn’t get a chance to work on what i originally wanted to do for my thursday thirteen. SO i decided to write about what i was thankful for (sorry for ending in prepositions so many times haha). besides, you can never be too thankful, right?

1. job – i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again. i am SO thankful for my job. seriously, in this economy it’s great to have a job. luckily for me, i don’t even feel like it’s a job. i love it. i love my kiddies so much still and look forward to work even after almost a year. i am beyond blessed!

2. working phone – if you remember from a few posts back, my phone was almost a goner. i was taking pictures in the water and totally forget my phone was in my back pocket. as i was squatting down (even further in the water) it suddenly dawned on me that i still had my phone. i left it in rice allllllll night. didn’t work. at this point i had about given up. i just left it in my car the next day during work, since it would’ve been a painful reminder if i brought it in. haha. SO GLAD i did that. leaving it in my car was awesome! as i was on my way to verizon, it finally turned on! the only downside is that the camera doesn’t work on it. 🙁 soooo, i’ve resorted to using other people’s camera phones to take pics and upload to my instagram hahaha.

3. seeing makenzie – a couple of weeks ago one of my kiddies, who had graduated the preschool program, called me up. it made my day AND we got to hang out. we went to have mexican food, walked around target, bought fairy wings (which she made me wear with her ;), and finished the night off with sweet frog. i still get the biggest smile when i think about it. i miss her so much. she was my buddy at school. i’m hoping it will happen again reeeallll soon. 🙂

4. celebrations – my boyfriend, justin, just celebrated his 21st birthday last night. i forgot how much fun it is just to celebrate. life is too short not to! i think i’m gonna start celebrating as many holidays and birthdays as i can. why not?

5. friends – so so so thankful for the friends God has blessed me with. i don’t know where i’d be without them. they lift me up when i need it most and keep me laughing. if you’re reading this, know that i love you! thanks for being in my life! 🙂

6. mini beach trip/family reunion – in july, we are having a family reunion with my dad’s side of the family. my cousins are renting a beach house for their parents’ 40th anniversary and invited all the family. it is going to be SO MUCH FUN! i can’t wait to see them. with some of the family being in arizona, oklahoma, california, and colorado, it’s been hard to stay in touch (thanks facebook). it’ll be nice to reconnect and of course get lots of pictures! 🙂

7. loving God – our God is so loving. man, i can’t even explain how awesome He is. He loves us so much and is always there for us. i am forever humbled by His love. thank You God for loving me, even on my darkest of days.

8. sisters – i am so thankful to say that my sisters are my best friends. yes, we can get in some massive cat fights (over clothes, normally) but we have been there for each other over the past couple of months in a way that only a sister can understand. thank you so much for being there for me and each other. i love you all and we better never break this bond. love you!

9. challenges – as much as they are a pain in the butt, i appreciate them. if it weren’t for challenges we would never grow and never appreciate certain things the way we should.

10. health – yea, i get the common cold here and there and an annoying stomach virus every now and then, but other than that i am pretty healthy. a lot of people aren’t blessed with health and can’t even get out of their houses. i am thankful to be able to do that. thankful that i can do things myself and just stand on my own two feet. not everyone gets that luxury.

11. my church family – i have not one, but two church families, that i love dearly. both pastors are so great and genuine. the church is so supportive and there for each other. it is such a beautiful thing to see, when normally churches can turn people off from the idea of believing in God. thanks guys for the blessing you are to me and everyone around you.

12. sweets – mmmm mmmm. i have had a massive sweet tooth lately. it just reminds me to be thankful to have food in general.

13. a/c – i don’t know where you’re from, but VA has the craziest weather EVER. it was in the 60’s on monday and the past few days it has been in the 90’s and humid like a sauna. i’m thankful to be able to escape to the indoors with a/c. some people don’t get to enjoy that. i know i probably take advantage of it, but i really do appreciate it.


what are YOU thankful for?

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