what i’ve learned in the world of blogging is that consistency is key. i’ve tried a couple of series before

what i’ve learned in the world of blogging is that consistency is key. i’ve tried a couple of series before (preschool diaries, thursday thirteen, and how-to tuesday). i’m still planning on doing them every now and then, but i want something steady. something permanent for now. something that can give my readers a consistent update on what is going on with me. so here it is, the first official “mid-week montage.” this will give you the scoop of what’s happened, what’s going on, and what’s up next in my photography world and personal life. i hope you enjoy! 🙂

what happened:

  • this weekend i got to shoot a FABULOUS praise team! they were all so fun and full of life! i can’t wait to show y’all how awesome their personalities were! 🙂
  • i got to hang out with my favorite preschoolers!
  • ALEXI CAME HOME!!! yay! i’m so lucky! i got to see amanda the weekend before and alexi this past weekend! i am so lucky! i was spoiled to see them so much over the summer. i’m not digging this long-distance mess. we better all live close by when we “grow up.”
  • i hit up the clearance racks at kohl’s and target and scored some pretty sweet stuff! let’s just say my wardrobe will consist of magenta, mustard, prints, and glitter. 😉
what’s going on:
  • story time and library started this week! i LOVE it! it’s my time to bond with the kids and read them my favorite books (with accents included ;). haha. this week we read skippyjon jones! he’s my favorite because he reminds me of my kitty cat! 🙂
  • i’m still obsessing over the voice and the x-factor!!! one good thing about fall is all of the tv shows come back on and i am a tv junkie!!! love love love it! 🙂
  • why do i have such a sweet tooth for dark chocolate cookies?!
  • last week i registered for the katelyn james workshop!!!!!!! so so so excited and i can’t wait! gotta start looking for an outfit! 😉
  • i take WAY too many photos of my cats!!! haha.

what’s up next:

  • i’m supposed to be visiting my friend ashley tomorrow before church. you may remember her daughter, grace. well, ashley just gave birth to her handsome son, dylan! maybe i can grab a few pics for y’all to see!
  • i get to see justin this weekend! yay!
  • i have a tentative family shoot for this weekend! yay! i love seeing the dynamic between a big family. i’m a little nervous, because it’s a lot of people so pray for me haha. thanks! 🙂
  • i know this isn’t a big deal, but i might go on a run this weekend (with justin). i’m the WORST runner in the world haha. i can’t breathe, my boobs hit me in the face (just kidding, kind of), and my thighs stick together. EW! too much info? probably, but hey! that’s me! i’m just being real with ya haha. so hopefully it’ll happen and HOPEFULLY i might like it and want to push myself to do it more. we’ll see. 😉
i hope today finds you well. we are halfway through the week and friday is on the rise!!! woohoo!
speaking of friday, here’s a peek of the beautiful lady who will grace the blog:

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