This weekend was so refreshing! Which is a good thing since my next 5 weekends will be filled with 7

This weekend was so refreshing! Which is a good thing since my next 5 weekends will be filled with 7 weddings and lots of traveling! I got to sleep in, go to Zumba TWICE (which I never get to do), and I watched a whole season of Gossip Girl haha. It was a much-welcomed change of pace.

I even went to see that creepy movie, The Visit, last night. I don’t know what I was thinking. Human beings should never crawl around on the floor. It’s just disturbing. I don’t even like scary movies. Why did I go? I do like M. Night Shyamalan and heard it wasn’t that scary. Well, I will never look at elderly people the same way again. And sorry bro, that was no Signs or The Sixth Sense. Better luck next time.

Welp, I won’t bore you with my completely wonderful, yet average weekend. I would love to hear about yours, though! See any good movies? Go on any fun adventures? Tell me more! 🙂

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