do you ever find yourself in a really stressful situation and wonder how the heck you’re gonna get through it?

do you ever find yourself in a really stressful situation and wonder how the heck you’re gonna get through it?

i know i was JUST in that position last week!

i went to the mail box only to receive yucky bills. some were bills that i had no coming my way and i wasn’t prepared for them. of course, being the person that i am, i started freaking out. how was i going to pay my other bills? how i was going to pay for gas? how was i going to eat? ah! all totally rational questions, asked in a totally irrational way (of course).

so here i am, freaking out, and God’s like, “ashley, it’s gonna be okay. don’t i always take care of you? find peace!” okay, maybe He didn’t necessarily say those words, but i felt His peace. and i knew it would be okay.

sure enough… BAM! i was going through my stuff and found a card i’d had since Christmas. i opened it up and saw money! i had completely forgotten about that gift! immediately, i knew that God was taking care of me and even using my “mess/clutter/forgetfulness” for His good. so awesome!

all of this was just to share about God’s awesomeness! things can be rough at times, and it’s in ways like this that God reminds me, no matter what, He is still GOOD! He is still in charge and He will take care of me. and you!

i know this might just seem like a small example, but to me it’s huge and is just all a part of a bigger story that God is working on right now.

i just wanted to share it with y’all in case anyone needed to hear this right now. God is GOOD. He is always good and will always take care of you. life can get tough and scary at times and seem like it’s conquering you rather than you conquering it. but guess what? God is in charge of it all and will always take care of you. He provides in big ways and little ways. He is amazing!

i hope this post encourages anyone who needs it! if you’re going through a rough time, you will get through it. there is a light at the end of the tunnel and God will give you peace to make it through.

today is a new day, friends! i hope it’s a beautiful one for you!

and here’s a picture to remind us that warmer days are hopefully heading our way SOON! haha. and because i miss arizona! 🙂


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