Month: July 2016

Sam and Ward CNU Wedding

Sam and Ward CNU Wedding

On Saturday, I joined Sam and Ward for their wedding day at Christopher Newport University. There were so many personal elements throughout the day that reflected their sweet love story. Their cat cake toppers, handmade wedding rings (made by each other), and how they walked each other down the aisle before they said “I do” perfectly displayed their beautiful relationship.

Good Things

Good Things yorktown wedding photos

Last year, I wrote a post about the good things we have in our lives that we might take for granted. I shared 5 things in my life that are just plain good. We often just rush through our lives and go through the motions. It’s so important to slow down and focus solely on the positive things no matter how big or small they are. I know when I’m having a rough day, it’s so nice to do this. It takes the attention off of the negative things and shines light on the positive things.

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Grab Your Guide

A lot of moving pieces go into planning a wedding day timeline and we know it can be overwhelming! Grab our free guide to plan the perfect timeline for your day.