Don’t worry, guys. I’m not about to get all deep on y’all. No mushy post today. :) I just want

Don’t worry, guys. I’m not about to get all deep on y’all. No mushy post today. 🙂 I just want to talk about how Justin and I are trying to make our wedding a reflection of us. 

A lot of times it’s easy to get caught up in the popular wedding trends or do what you think your families will like best. While it might be a nice party, will it really reflect your story? I feel like that’s super important to keep in mind when planning your wedding. People are there to celebrate your new marriage, not the latest craze on Pinterest. <— Don’t get me wrong, Pinterest is great for inspiration, but be sure to not go overboard. 

I don’t want to go into too much detail about mine and Justin’s wedding day. I want there to be some surprise for y’all to see when I post it on the blog! 😉 However, I’d love to share one of the personal touches we’re including in our day to make it us. 

One personal element we’re having at our wedding is Mexican food!!! Shocker, right?! Justin and I had our first date at the local Mexican restaurant in Farmville. We’ve also had countless dates at our favorite place, Pepe’s! When thinking about what type of food to serve at our wedding, it was a no brainer. Besides, what better way to enjoy time with friends and family then over a basket of chips and salsa?!

What personal touches did you add to your wedding?! I’d love to hear all about it! 🙂  


Such a cute print from Dazeychic! 



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One Comment

  • You’re kidding me!! This food choice will be unforgettable for your guests. They’ll be happy campers. I cannot wait!! We are spirit animals with our love of Mexican food. xox

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