check out my pics!!! i LOVE being able to use my phone camera when i can’t use my baby!


check out my pics!!! i LOVE being able to use my phone camera when i can’t use my baby! it’s so convenient! my life has been crazy, but i wouldn’t expect it to be anything less. to me, it’s crazy/beautiful and that’s all that matters! 🙂


what happened:

  • the back-to-back wedding extravaganza!!!!! so much fun!!! i had a blast!!! yes, my feet killed me and i could barely walk afterwards, but it was SO WORTH IT! did you see the sneak peeks?
  • the fair was pretty FAIR! haha. bad joke?! my bad haha. it was pretty fun. maybe i was just tired from the previous events. we went earlier in the day, so maybe that took away from the effect. i like seeing everything all lit up and the crisp in the air. i still had my yummy corn dog, though. so that’s what counts! 😉
  • it’s getting cooler!!! except yesterday haha. it was like 80 degrees and humid. EW!
  • alexi came to visit! it was so much fun! now i just need to see amanda and my life will be complete! 🙂

what’s up next:

  • editing, editing, and MORE EDITING!!!!! i really need to get motivated about this. once i get into the session, i’m good. i just need to get started and stay with it. fellow photogs, what do you like to do stay motivated while editing? any tips or tricks you’d recommend?
  • going to LONGWOOD this weekend for ARRGHHHHTOBERFEST (aka oktoberfest)! it’s a pretty big deal at our school. we have a spirit week, then kick off the weekend’s festivities with color wars (green class vs. red class – GO GREEN!), followed by local bands, and saturday is a filled with a festival, concerts, and friends! 🙂
  • looking forward to the book orders from school coming in!!!! i ordered a lot of fun books to read to the kids at school (thanks to our bonus points)! they’re going to love them! also, the new skippyjon jones book comes out this month!!! EEEEPPP!!!! 🙂
  • i am getting serious about losing weight and having a healthier lifestyle. i’ve gained quite a bit of weight over the last year and i need to give it back haha. i’m such a snacker and food is so yummy. i need to start being more active and making healthier choices! 🙂
i hope you all are having a fabulous week! and since today is wednesday, that means it’s almost friday!!! 🙂



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