Last year, I wrote a post about the good things we have in our lives that we might take for
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Last year, I wrote a post about the good things we have in our lives that we might take for granted. I shared 5 things in my life that are just plain good. We often just rush through our lives and go through the motions. It’s so important to slow down and focus solely on the positive things no matter how big or small they are. I know when I’m having a rough day, it’s so nice to do this. It takes the attention off of the negative things and shines light on the positive things. 

I wanna share 5 more good things that often get overlooked! I know I take these things for granted and should appreciate them more. When one of these things happens, it really brightens my day so much!

Here they are:

Pulling up to the drive thru only to find out someone paid for your order already. Gah! Has that ever happened to you?! It’s the absolute best! It’s crazy to think a complete stranger can make you feel so loved! BONUS: if you’re having a bad day, pay it forward. Treat the person in line behind you. You’ll spread happiness and forget about being grumpy! 

Having your hair washed by someone else. This is such a small thing, but my goodness it is such a treat! When I had my hair done the other day, it felt amazing to be pampered with a hair wash. The scalp massage is so relaxing.

-Snail mail. I don’t know about you guys, but when I open up the mailbox and see a card from a friend, it just makes my day! Thinking about how someone took the time to write a note to say hello, really means a lot! Be sure to share the love and send some snail mail of your own! 🙂 

Ice cold water on a hot summer day. At the preschool, we take our kids outside a few times a day every day. It helps them get their energy out and it helps our sanity. 😉 Being that it’s summer right now, it gets a little toasty out there. Never have I been so grateful for a cold drink of water. So refreshing and something I know I take for granted! 

When a throwback song comes on the radio. So I know this may be a little cheesy, but does anyone get extremely hype when they hear a favorite song from their childhood come on the radio? Spice Girls? Backstreet Boys? Anyone?! I was listening to Pandora last night while I was cleaning and they were playing all of my old favorites! It put me in a really good mood and gave me the perfect boost to finish cleaning! 😉 

Now it’s your turn! Tell me 5 things in your life that are just GOOD!

Happy Thursday, friends! 🙂 

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  • Yes to all of those!! Al had Pandora or Spotify playing the other night while he was finishing packing for the first part of our move, and I was rocking out to the Backstreet Boys shamelessly!

    5 Good Things

    1. Paying it forward to a family in need. — I helped a struggling family this week by putting $150.00 toward their power bill. It felt awesome!

    2. Hearing the words “thank you.” — It makes a huge difference!!

    3. Snail mail, too! — We’ve gotten our first snail mail at our new house! My aunt Nancy even created brand-new address labels for us. It’s the little things.

    4. Ice cream, once in a while. — Last night, I was so frustrated with a situation at work, plus terrible traffic, plus impending rain, plus having to go to class – I knew I needed a small Oreo McFlurry to boost my spirits!

    5. Helpful family and friends. — My parents and several friends have been beasts at our new house, pitching in everywhere. My mom called this morning and said, “Oh, I’m just going to go over to your house and work on painting the living room walls for a couple of hours, is that OK?” That’s more than OK, Mom, that’s awesome!

    • Love all of these! And yes, ice cream really helps when you need your spirits lifted! 🙂

      • The best thing is I got a Facebook message from the woman that I helped with her power bill. Apparently, I was the only one who put money toward their bill, but it was enough money that the power company contacted them and helped them renegotiate a lower payment plan! Happy day!!

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