Sometimes (and by sometimes, I really mean like all the time) we need to sit back and reflect on the

Sometimes (and by sometimes, I really mean like all the time) we need to sit back and reflect on the good things. Be thankful. Take time to ponder all we have to be grateful for. I don’t know about you all, but I don’t do that enough!

I’ve been trying to keep a list of good things to remind myself of when I’m having a bad day or when I really need a reality check. It’s pretty nice to look back on. AND it’s even better to experience it! Sometimes, you don’t even realize how great something actually is. We’re all so blessed and I know I often take it for granted. #firstworldproblems

Anywho, here’s 5 good things that I’m grateful for:

– Fallin asleep without setting an alarm clock (such a relief!!!)

– Green lights when you’re running late (Can I get an AMEN?!)

– A hot shower (something I take for granted all too often)

– Someone holding the door for you (it’s little things like that that really put a smile on my face!)

– A warm blanket from the dryer (YAASS!!!!)

Now it’s your turn! Tell me five of yours and start keeping a list to share with me when I post again! 🙂

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  • Ashley, I just adore this post. We definitely take so much for granted everyday in our lives. I realized this year that I was always praying for God’s guidance and help but failing pray to express how grateful I was for opportunities. That being said, I totally agree with not having to stop at the light when your running late. I get even more excited when I get green light after green, it’s as if the whole road opens up and the world challenges me to go faster, haha

  • Love this!! 1) Breyers Gelato 2) Holding a door for someone 3) Thanking a person in uniform for their service to our country, including police officers and firefighters, and seeing them smile 4) Fresh flowers in a vase, especially Mom’s gorgeous roses from our backyard garden 5) Late-night phone calls with long-distance friends, picking up right where we left off, like no time had passed

  • This is great girl! I love reading your posts 🙂 1) Glad I’m a guest at the wedding tonight and not photographing it (it’s POURING!!) 2) Car with AC (it’s been so hot here!) 3) Taylor Swift’s new CD to get me pumped 4) A sweet photography community that is finally in my area! 5) I’ll have to go with someone opening a door for me too…My hands are always too full!!

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