I can’t believe the Creative @ Heart Conference is almost here. It feels like they were just announcing the March

I can’t believe the Creative @ Heart Conference is almost here. It feels like they were just announcing the March conference and it already snuck up on us. I’m so excited! I’ve been looking forward to this conference since the last one ended.

Yes, I’m excited about the amazing speakers and I can’t wait to photograph the details and fun swag the sponsors have provided. But it’s more than just that. I’m excited to hang out with a bunch of encouraging women. I’m excited to encourage each other and cheer one another on in our businesses and lives.

Last time, I roomed with four wonderful ladies. One, I had only met once and the other two I had never met before. You guys, these girls are some of the most amazing people I know. We started a group on Facebook and that’s how we stay in touch. We lift each other up when we’re having a bad day. We cheer one another on when something awesome happens. We check in with each other and see what strides we’re making to reach our goals. It’s incredible. You can’t get that out of a normal conference.

I’m so honored and excited to be a part of this conference. I’m trying to go in without any expectations and just soak it all in like last time. It’ll be hard to match, but I know it will still be amazing! 🙂

If you’re attending this conference for the first time, just go in with an open mind. Put work away for the weekend and have fun. Step away from the e-mails and go to dinner with new friends. Have fun in your pjs and watch The Walking Dead with those people who can’t miss the finale *coughMEcough*. Come to learn, but also come to be changed.

The last conference encouraged me so much. While I learned so many things to change my business, what really stuck out to me were the relationships I made. The creative industry doesn’t have to be lonely. I’m so glad I found that out. 🙂

So thankful for the amazing people I know and for conferences like Creative @ Heart. It’s all about community. That’s what we need more of! 🙂 Staunton Virginia Wedding Photographer

(print by the lovely A Little Bit of Me)

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One Comment

  • Ahhhhhhh so so SO excited for you to go back!! Can’t wait to see all of you beautiful photos & hear stories 🙂 🙂

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