It’s been awhile since I shared my latest obsessions, so here they are! :)

It’s been awhile since I shared my latest obsessions, so here they are! 🙂 

jane the virgin

Jane the Virgin

Gah! I am obsessed with this show!!! The weekend of the east coast “blizzard” I binged this whole season in less than 48 hours! My first successful Netflix binge! hahaha. SUCH a good show! I can’t wait until Season 2 comes out on Netflix! 


Thai Food

YUM!!!! I was always hesitant to try Thai food, but my sister suggested a Thai restaurant when we were hanging out one day and I fell in LOVE!!! haha. I even had Thai 2 more times that week! haha. I’m still newer to the different dishes they offer and definitely can’t handle all the spicy, but I’m trying! 🙂 


The Walking Dead Comics

As most of you know, I LOVE The Walking Dead!!! Well, when the finale happened for Season 6, I couldn’t handle it and HAD to read the comics! Well, I read all 150+ issues in 2 weeks! hahaha. I love them! They’re so fun and there’s such a contrast from the show! While there are similar characters and story lines, it’s nice how reading the comics won’t necessarily spoil what will happen in the show because it always makes its own path! If you’re a fan of The Walking Dead, you should definitely read the comics! They’re addicting! 🙂 


Me Before You

So I’m still only on the beginning of this book because I started reading this book and decided to read The Walking Dead comics too hahaha. So obviously one took precedence over the other hahaha. But I’m getting back to reading this book and it’s SO GOOD!!! I know it’s gonna pull on my heart strings, but it’ll be okay! Plus, I need to finish this before the movie comes out next month! Ah!!! 


What about you guys?! What are your latest obsessions?! Have you read or watched any of the books/shows I’ve talked about? Have any fun recommendations for me?! I’d love to know! 🙂 


Happy rainy Tuesday! Stay dry! 🙂 


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One Comment

  • all I gotta say is my taste in tv programs is a whole lot different -ha! must be my age;)

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