so i may have been the only person in virginia wishing this, BUT i was really hoping we’d get one

so i may have been the only person in virginia wishing this, BUT i was really hoping we’d get one last snow day before spring was officially here to stay. oh well. it would’ve been nice to have a breaking bad marathon all day.  spring weather better be right around the corner and here to stay, though. pretty please?! 🙂

 but… i’m pretty excited to go to school too!since it’s st. patrick’s day, we get to do a lot of fun things! the “leprechaun” is coming to visit and leave a surprise for the kids! yay! this is similar to elf on the shelf but definitely not as creepy because there is no weird doll haha. i feel like i’m just as excited as the kids! if not more! 🙂 i’m gonna tear up the classroom, put green food coloring in the toilet for “leprechaun pee” haha, and have the leprechaun leave rainbow cookies and necklaces for them! eeeeeeppp!!! it’s days like this that make me super excited to be a preschool teacher! 🙂

i guess i still kinda wanted a snow day too, because i wanted to extend the weekend just a little bit longer! haha. it was so nice on saturday! i spent the morning with a gorgeous bride-to-be, where we chatted for almost 2 hours in the sunlight over chai tea lattes! it was so much fun! i just love love love the sweet and amazing people i get to work with! so excited for their wedding! 🙂

since i was down in newport news for the meeting, i decided to travel the extra distance (which wasn’t much at all) to visit my sweet friend in chesapeake! it was a BEAUTIFUL day and even better with a best friend by my side! it was mid-70s out and perfectly sunny! gah! i wish it would stay like that! we had such a fun time exploring where she lives. we ate at the cutest little restaurant that used to be an old church. so cool! then we spent time on the bay and did our best to avoid getting blasted by the sand haha. it was pretty windy, but still so much fun!


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