you guys, i did it! i survived my first weekend without social media! wooohoooo!!!! let’s throw a party! 🙂 i

you guys, i did it! i survived my first weekend without social media! wooohoooo!!!! let’s throw a party! 🙂 i know, it makes me sound super pathetic and like an addict, but it’s true! i’ll admit it. i’m addicted to social media. and there were definitely times this weekend that i picked up my phone and just  twiddled it in my hands just because i was SO USED to having it there! i didn’t know how to act without it haha. sounds i like i need to do this more often! 😉

i also made sure that i was pretty busy this weekend and was being productive. friday night i came home, read divergent, then slept for almost 12 hours! haha. if that’s not productive, i don’t know what is? 😉 and oh my goodness! i’m only about 100 pages into divergent, but my goodness! it’s already so stinkin’ good! i cannot wait to finish it and see the movie!

saturday was packed full. the morning was filled with errands and in the evening i headed down to newport news to photograph a sorority formal. i had the pleasure of working with these beautiful ladies last year, so it was nice to work with them again. i also got to see amanda while i was down there! even if it was only for 20 min, it was still good! 😉

this was a sister-packed weekend, because on sunday i traveled up to harrisonburg and got to see alexi too! i was there to photograph my sweet friend kat (she’s also an amazing wedding planner – brides, get on it! 😉 and her sweet husband matt! it was so nice to getting to know them and hear their story! they also have the cutest brittany spaniel, knox! such a sweet dog and the perfect model! i cannot wait to show you more from their sweet anniversary session! they also incorporated their birthdays into the shoot (since they both have birthdays in march) and i’m so glad they did! who doesn’t love cupcakes?! 🙂

anyway, i’m off to work. i look slightly like a zombie right now because i’m trying to get over pinkeye AGAIN! ew! i’m starting to think it’s something else, because this is ridiculous! haha. if you wanna send up a quick prayer for me, that’d be fabulous too! 🙂

i hope everyone has a great week! i heard the “s” word being mentioned on the news. hopefully that will turn into a happier “s” word, like SUNSHINE! haha.

happy monday! 🙂


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  • Sounds like an absolutely amazing weekend! 🙂 And I love Kat too! She’s the sweetest!

  • You’re so cute!! Had SO much fun hanging out this weekend & I can’t wait to see the pics!!! xo!!

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