as soon as katelyn sent out an e-mail about coaching sessions i knew i had to snatch one up!


Β as soon as katelyn sent out an e-mail about coaching sessions i knew i had to snatch one up! i had been contemplating about doing one for a while and decided to take the plunge! i’m so glad i did! i looked forward to this day for months. i couldn’t believe i got to spend quality time with one of my favorite mentors!

i had attended one of her workshops last november and learned SO MUCH! i went home with 10 pages of notes(front and back). the coaching session was the same way! i felt it was extremely beneficial but in a different way. we got more one-on-one time and she could focus on different ways to help my business specifically! it was definitely a worthy investment!

we talked about editing, pricing, shooting style, my website, etc. we even talked about the different goals i had for myself and even set some new ones! i can’t wait to share more of those later! πŸ˜‰

if you’re contemplating doing a coaching session with katelyn, stop! just take the leap and do it! she is amazing and will help you help your business! it’s a win in my book! πŸ™‚

if that wasn’t enough, after spending quality time focusing on ways to improve my business, we headed to lunch with her sweet husband and to other amazing photographers (i’m sure that sentence was far from grammatically correct – sorry haha)! we got to know each other while enjoying a delicious lunch then headed off for some portrait time! we learned about directional lighting and how to find the best light no matter what the circumstance! we also learned that it’s better to have a million different poses in ONE GOOD LIGHTING SPOT rather than the same pose in a million different spots! sorry for the exaggeration, but i think you get the point! πŸ˜‰

it was such a fun experience getting to hang out with amanda and chad from bellamanda photography!Β they are such a sweet husband and wife time and i’m so thankful for the opportunity to have met them! πŸ™‚

thank you so much katelyn for encouraging me and pushing me to reach my dreams! i wish we could have a coaching session everyday. or ya know, just hang out and play with bokeh! i’m good with either! πŸ™‚

(view the coaching session on katelyn’s page: HERE!)

here are some behind-the-scenes shots from the headshot portion of the day:

aren’t they the cutest?

my beautiful mentor and sweet friend, katelyn! doesn’t she amazing?Β 2013-10-16_0006

and these are the headshots katelyn captured of me! oh my goodness! i was so excited when i saw them! i love them so so much! thank you, girl, for helping me feel beautiful! also, my sweet friend meghan made my hair look amazing!!!!Β View More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashley View More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashley View More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashley View More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashley View More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashley View More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashleyView More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashley View More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashley View More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashley View More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashley View More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashley

loved spending time with amanda and chad!View More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashley

ahhh!!!! love this lady! thanks for the best day ever! πŸ™‚Β View More: http://katelynjames.pass.us/coaching-amanda-and-ashley

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  • Loved the blog post Ashley!! πŸ™‚ Thank you for your sweet comment on our blog! You are the sweetest and we really enjoyed meeting you as well! We will stay in touch and you do the same! πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to see you again!

  • THIS make me so happy! I’m so thankful you signed up and that we had a chance to hangout!! You are so sweet girl! I just love ya!! So excited to see your business grow!

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