last night i learned something in bible study that really hit me. i’ve seen it demonstrated before and it’s clicked


last night i learned something in bible study that really hit me. i’ve seen it demonstrated before and it’s clicked before, but this time it’s different. i want want it to make a difference. i want to implement it in my life. i want it to take priority.

see, during bible study last night, there was a demonstration with rocks. there were itty bitty rocks that represented menial things in our lives: facebook, social media in general, tv, video games, reading, etc. then there were big rocks that stood for bigger things in our lives that were full of purpose: God, family, friends, spouses, etc. if we filled our jar with the itty bitty rocks first (for me LOTS of facebook haha), then tried to put our time with friends and God and family in there, the big rocks didn’t have room. however, if we put the big rocks in first then sprinkled the little rocks in after, we had room for everything. crazy right? all that mattered was the priority of them.

it got me thinking. i stress out SO MUCH about balancing work and photography and God and friends and justin and family and facebook. how do i fit all of them into these few hours throughout the day? it’s overwhelming thinking about getting all of that done every single day.


if i prioritize, and put the things that matter most in my life, FIRST, then everything else will fall into place. pretty cool, right? so if i wake up just a few minutes earlier, i’ll have time to spend with God, do my blog post, get ready for work AND not be late. it’s all about prioritizing!

i know i am so guilty about putting things first in my life that are shallow, but i’m going to make a real effort to change that way of thinking. if i put God first, in every aspect of my life, He’ll help everything else fall into place exactly how it’s supposed to.

welp, speaking of not being late, i gotta go! i hope this was some good food for thought! 🙂 happy wednesday!!! 🙂

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One Comment

  • Love this! I think it’s a great idea. I’m trying to do the same thing.

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