about a month ago, i was in a stressful situation. i was so uncertain about how i was going to

about a month ago, i was in a stressful situation. i was so uncertain about how i was going to pay my bills. the summer months were slow at work and we knew it was inevitable before our hours got cut back. the day we all knew was coming  had finally happened. we received our work schedules and although i knew what was going to happen, i still ended up crying in the bathroom haha. i was scheduled to work 10.5 hours less (a week) than usual for the next month. who knew such a small piece of paper could be so crushing?

i started to feel hopeless. how was i going to afford my upcoming car payment, student loans, car insurance, gas, etc., etc.? i seriously looked into to selling plasma. no joke. what was i going to do?

what was the first thing i started to do when things got rough? did i pray about it? no. i worried and whined and stressed. what good did that do me? absolutely nothing. when i felt i had nothing left, i HAD to lean on God. i should have been doing that right from the beginning. i had to trust God that He was going to take care of me even though i had no idea how. over those weeks He provided random photography sessions, house/dog sitting jobs, and multiple babysitting opportunities! between all of those odd jobs i was able to earn enough money to make up for what i was missing in my paycheck! WOW!!! i don’t know why i’m so stubborn when He always provides. i’m always asking to see His work. i need to wake up and see the amazingness in front of me!

yes, situations can be rotten at times, but He took care of me. THAT is what counts. He provided and made sure i had ways to earn money. how come i can never remember this when hard times hit? He’s never left me or forsaken me before, why do i still doubt He can look out for me? i need to have more faith!

i am so so so blessed and thankful for how God showed His love for me in this circumstance. i need to remember that God always has my back and he’s gonna take care of me. i need to worry less and pray more.

feel free to remind me of that and give me a good wake up call! 😉

hope you all have a fabulous monday! know that no matter what you’re going through, God has a plan and everything will be okay!

p.s. this is a rainbow from the wedding i second shot with nikki yesterday! isn’t God amazing? 2013-07-29_0002

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  • I’m almost 56 and I still forget sometimes. But He has never failed to provide what I needed. Glad you saw so many God sightings in your earning opportunities.

  • Isn’t God amazing? He not only provides, he forgives us for doubting that He will provide. Keeping you in my prayers! <3

  • Jeremiah 29:11

    Rainbows are wonderful signs from God after storms. Continuing to pray for you!

  • i seriously need to remember this. especially right now when all of these financial problems are hitting us all at once!

  • yay!!! i’m so glad you shared your testimony, because i know that i for sure needed to be reminded of His provision. =)

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