let’s be real here, i have had the theme song to the oc playing in my head all week. i’ve

let’s be real here, i have had the theme song to the oc playing in my head all week. i’ve felt like a senior in high school with senioritis. i’ve been so excited for california, it was hard to focus! yesterday, the minutes moved like molasses until they hit 5:45! gah! i thought i’d never make it!

the day is finally here! as you’re reading this, i’ll probably be at my layover in ATL or up in the clouds! gah! i can’t believe i will be in california! i have been DREAMING of this place for so long! there are no words in my vocabulary that can adequately describe how thankful i am. i’m thankful for family and friends believing in me and encouraging me along the way. i’m thankful for this love of photography i’m so passionate about. AND i’m just plain thankful that God lets me do this every day! i pray i never take this for granted. this season of my life is so crazy/amazing! i love flying by the seat of my pants and being in PA one week and CA for the next! maybe one day, photography will take me to a different country! ya never know! 😉

quick shout out everyone who helped me get ready for california! thanks for being patient with me and helping me get everything done before i left! i heart you! especially ariel who was so nice and did my laundry! awww! 

any fun things i HAVE to do while i’m in california?! let me know! 

the first thing i plan on doing is heading to the ocean. i can’t believe i’ll get to put my feet in the pacific ocean! somebody pinch me!

san diego, i’m coming for you! are you ready?! 

p.s. this is where my beautiful bride/awesome cousin and her fiancé are getting married on friday!!!!!!!! i might just pass out from all the awesomeness! i know my brain is going to go into overdrive! pray for me hahaha.

photo cred. here! 

follow me along on instagram #theadventuresofashleyyy

Cuvier Park

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One Comment

  • Hey Ashley, u have cousins in Montana, Alaska & Japan right now! Maybe u could visit with them!

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