Month: September 2014

living for the weekend #41

so this post is two weekends combined, but that’s okay, right? good! 😉 i feel like a lifetime has happened between last weekend and yesterday. i’ve traveled across multiple states, spent time with different friends and family, and experienced so much within that week! i got to celebrate my nana turning 90, went to monkey […]

living for the weekend #40

oh hey! this post is coming to you straight from GEORGIA! yup! i made it here safe and sound yesterday and have been able to enjoy some time with my best friend from high school, anna! the drive wasn’t too bad, especially since i broke it up into two days. saturday, i made the very wise decision […]

on the road | personal

all that stands between me and the road is work, zumba, a mountain of laundry, the fault in our stars, and babysitting in the morning. wooooohoooo!!!! i think i can. i think i can! tomorrow morning, after i babysit, i’m heading to nc for a quick birthday celebration for my nana! she’s turning 90!!!! can […]

me right now | personal

i don’t know about you guys, but i have a hard time extending grace to myself. i’m always really hard on myself and never feel like it’s okay to not meet my own standards. if i’ve planned to have a session edited by a certain time, i work so hard to get it done. but sometimes […]

living for the weekend #39

busy season has kicked in to full gear. actually, it’s been in full gear since august! haha. this weekend was filled with a beautiful engagement session and a gorgeous wedding, with two very amazing couples! i’m just so thankful for this job because it brings so many sweet people into my life! i love it! […]

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