latest obsessions | personal

okay. i have had some interesting obsessions lately. maybe some of you can empathize with me on this that i feel like i don’t choose these obsessions, they choose me. haha. i’ll explain later! 1. chicken fiesta – oh my goodness!!! chicken fiesta is the besta! i went for the first time a couple of […]

providing | personal

about a month ago, i was in a stressful situation. i was so uncertain about how i was going to pay my bills. the summer months were slow at work and we knew it was inevitable before our hours got cut back. the day we all knew was coming  had finally happened. we received our […]

this is for you | personal

this is for when you feel like giving up. don’t. this is for when you feel like you can’t do any more squats in your zumba class. you can. this if for when you’re running on minimum sleep and feel like the world is crashing in around you. take a nap. this is for when […]

do not worry | personal

“therefore i tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your […]

june recap | personal

whew! june flew by way too fast. why is the summer speeding by without giving us proper sunshine?! haha. in case you’re wondering it’s STILL yucky weather. i wouldn’t mind these months going by fast if i could get a proper tan and dose of vitamin D. that’s all i’m sayin’. 😉 here’s a monthly […]

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