life’s tough | personal

“life’s tough… get a helmet.” – boy meets world so maybe i’ve been watching just a little too much boy meets world lately, but man! does that show get to ya, or what?! so naturally, when i snapped this picture, that quote was the first thing to pop up in my head. life is crazy, […]

happy mother’s day | personal

so, i wish i would have had a better picture for this post, but this made me realize that HEY! i need to change the fact that me and my mom don’t have that many pictures in the first place! this definitely needs to change! this picture was taken about 2 years ago, when my […]

be the Sonshine | personal

there is SO MUCH that can be said about this weekend. i must admit, at first i was bummed because of the yucky weather and super-long bus ride. i had no idea what to expect from this trip, except that i would be hanging out with ladies of all ages. we started out our journey […]

south carolina or bust | personal

while you are reading this, i will *hopefully* be sitting on the beach, by the beach, or SOMETHING with the beach. haha. i headed down to south carolina yesterday to attend a woman’s conference with some women at my church. i was so frustrated the other day about this trip because i REALLY WANTED SUNSHINE!!! […]

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